An erasable uploadable transcribing fancied up notebook. Is that a thing? Is it even necessary?
I totally thought the concept was ridiculous…before I was introduced to it that is. And now I’m a total convert.

A couple of days ago I shared on my Instagram account how I was re-commiting to my journaling practice. I have another blog post coming on how I’m going about that this time around and how it fits my now time constrained life, so be sure to sign up to my email list to get that when it comes out.
However, I also shared that I’ve been using my Rocketbook Erasable Notebook in this process and how it’s been such a lifesaver.
Once I posted it, I started getting a lot of questions about the notebook itself. Thus, why I decided to do a formal review.
You can (and very frankly SHOULD) check out the video review I did so you don’t miss a thing. But here are a couple of quick features and benefits I’ve experienced using it.
But first…
I first heard about the Rocketbook a couple of years ago when watching Shark Tank. The inventors were presenting their idea for a notebook that could be used over and over again and then erased by putting it into the microwave. It also incorporated an app that allowed you to upload your documents.
The pages get uploaded via a system of icons that are located on the bottom of each page that you can assign with the coordinating destination. One icon can be to your email, another can be to whatever virtual storage place you use, it can literally be anything. There is also a QR code on each page that helps with this system.
At first, I thought who would really have the time or patience to use this. Plus at over $20 for a regular sized notebook, was it really worth it?
Well Rocketbooks are exactly as wacky as they sound, but now I totally get why they needed to be made.
By the way, they didn’t get a deal when in the Shark Tank. Watch the entire pitch below.
What Comes With This “Fancy Schmancy” Notebook
Each notebook package comes with the actual book, one Frixion erasable pen, and one microfiber cloth that can be used to erase your writing. (Click on the links to check them out on Amazon).
However, I also purchased two additional accessories:
Pen Holders To Attach to the Notebook
What I’ve Personally Experienced Using The Rocketbook
- Peace of Mind
Using the Pocketbook has eliminated me having scattered notebooks all over the place. It’s pretty much forced me to become more organized with my notes without being overwhelming in the process.
I can easily upload my full pages to where
The concept is pretty simple. It’s like having a dry erase board in your bag. I no longer have a bunch of random notebooks to flip through that I quickly fill with my thoughts. As long as I develop a personal system for organizing the destinations with the coordinating icons that are located at the bottom of the page, my notes and notebook can be virtually endless. I’m currently using DropBox. Once I have the pages uploaded to their destination, I can search through them by date.
2. Transcription
As someone who writes (at the time of this post at least), as a part time job, being able to get my words on the page whether virtually or literally using pen and paper is essential.
Through personal observation, I’ve learned that sometimes the only way for me to get ideas out and past the dreaded writer’s block is by actually writing with a pen in hand.
However, this leaves me at a loss of at least time when I have to get those words into digital form and to whatever media it is destined for.
This is why the Transcribing feature of the Rocketbook comes in handy. I accidentally came across it one day while uploading some pages and literally had my mind blown.
Let me stop and say that you certainly don’t have to be an actual writer to find use of this. You can simply be a person that finds themselves having to write things often. I could totally see this having helped me during college or in other jobs where I might have had to take notes during a meeting and needed to email them to co-workers.
I truly think this can be useful in a ton of ways.
I must also add that, NO, the transcribing was not perfect. But, I don’t blame that completely on the system. I admittedly have the handwriting of a crazy person with frequent incorrect usages of script and upper case letters where lowercase letters should be. Nonetheless, it was close enough that I was able to correct the mistakes with a simple 5 minute look over which I was going to do anyway. All and all, it is a definite time saver.
3. Money Saver
Ok, so it might not sound like this system may save me money in the long run, but it definitely does. It is only one of the handful of investments I’ve made in products that are more expensive on the front end but money savers in the long run.
When I started thinking about the time I was saving by not looking for and going out to buy and physically store multiple notebooks as I had been doing for the longest time, the $15-$30 was actually nothing. Plus the fact that I will have these books for years, it’s a no brainer.
As far as the cost of the pens, they are a bit pricier than your dollar store pens. You can often find them ranging between $5-$7 for a pack of 3. And just like other gel based pens, they can go pretty quick depending on much you’re using them
However, the refill cartridges make them more economical. They are easy to use. Click here to check them out.
Overall, I am in love with the system and kind of wish I bought into it a lot earlier. I still have a couple piles of old notebooks sitting in a box somewhere that I need to get rid of.
Let me know if you’ve used the Rocketbook in the comments below and what were your thoughts.
FTC DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click on them and make a purchase, I will receive a small finder’s fee on the sale. This does not increase your price in any way shape or form. Using these links help support the continuation of this website. All opinions are my own. Thank you in advance.