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How I Use Magnesium For Natural Pain Relief, Better Sleep, & Leg Cramps

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Growing up, there was one item which was always under the sink that my mother used when she was super achy…epsom salt. I never really understood how or why it worked, but it seemed to always do the trick for her and people in my family.

Well fast forward a couple of decades (I’m dating myself I know), I’ve done the research and finally understand why epsom salt was so damn special and I wanted to share it with my fellow natural solution lovers.

What’s the big secret ingredient?


According to the National Institutes of Health, Magnesium is a mineral that is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.

Magnesium helps the muscles and some nerves relax while also helping in the transportation of calcium and potassium to cell membranes.

However, in the same article mentioned above, dietary surveys of people in the United States consistently show that intakes of magnesium are lower than recommended amounts. 

In fact, when I last visited my general doctor, he was sort of shocked that I was NOT deficient in magnesium and vitamin D “because almost 80% of the population is generally deficient in these two things” (yeah, that’s what he said).






When I initially found this out a couple of years ago, I started taking a magnesium supplement like this one on a somewhat regular basis. I began to notice a decrease in intensity from the migraines that I was dealing with (at the time), along with an ease of stress even when life was particularly challenging.

However, I have seen a HUGE improvement overall when I switched to a plant based diet as green leafy vegetables are a great source of natural magnesium.

How can you start incorporating magnesium in your everyday life to improve pain, sleep, and pesky nighttime leg cramps? Check out my breakdown below:

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor. All of the information I share are based on personal experiences. Please check with your individual doctor and do your your own research before starting a dietary or lifestyle change. Join me on your own accord.

The 3 Main Forms Of Magnesium I Use OTHER Than With Vegetables Include:

Oral Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium Oil- Magnesium Flake dissolved in water.

Epsom Salt- Salt & Magnesium Crystals Combined

Nighttime Leg Cramps & Restless Leg Movement

A couple of years ago I started noticing one of my legs twitching at night while laying down. I thought it might go away on it’s own but it didn’t. I mentioned it to my doctor in passing that it came and went, but he suggesting coming back when it became a major problem.

When I did my own research, I came across studies like this one from stating magnesium helped subjects who suffered from mild restless leg syndrome.

So, I ordered some magnesium supplements like these and tried them out the next time I felt the discomfort in my legs and it worked! Needless to say, I keep it on hand at all times.

Better Sleep 

In the age of scrolls, likes, swipes, and live streaming, I often find myself sitting up in bed waaaay longer than I should be. When I first started dabbling into natural solutions to everyday problems, I noticed how a nice hot epsom salt bath would send me off to sleep very nicely.

But, I needed a quicker way to get those relaxing effects without having to jump in the bath all the time.

That’s when I found out about Magnesium Oil. Magnesium Oil is not actually an oil at all. It is magnesium flakes dissolved in water making a pretty potent and effective solution.

Magnesium Oil is a great option for people looking to help relax a specific muscle or area of the body since it bypasses the digestive tract like oral supplements by getting absorbed into the skin. Believe it or not, there are some medications that are administrated through the skin via dermal patches because the rate of absorption into the blood is faster.

So for some people that are not too fond of pills, Magnesium Oil may be a great option.

Back to my sleepless nights. When I find myself tossing a turning too long, I simply spray the magnesium oil on the bottom of my feet and I’m off to La La Land. One spray per foot usually does the trick.

HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE that magnesium oil has a tendency to make your skin itchy or tingly in a way that can be a bit uncomfortable. TO AVOID THIS PROBLEM, I apply a very thin layer of oil (usually coconut or almond oil), on my skin BEFORE spraying. It helps tremendously!!


Overall Pain Relief

Lastly, when my body is tensed up after a particularly stressful day, I go old school and hit the bath tub with a health dose of epsom salt. I fancy it up a bit by adding a couple drops of lavender essential oil.

This combination along with some warm water makes for a great stress relieving night. I usually add a cup or two of epsom salt to the water. If you stay in the water for 20 minutes you should feel a lot more relaxed and in less pain when you get out.

Using magnesium to alleviate aches and pains is an easy, natural, solution that you may want to check out. As I always say, be sure to check with your doctor before making major changes. I have not had any reactions to it, but each person is different.

Let me know below if you’ve tried magnesium in the comment section below.

FTC DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click on them and make a purchase, I will receive a small finder’s fee on the sale. This does not increase your price in any way shape or form. Using these links help support the continuation of this website. All opinions are my own. Thank you in advance.









Sunday 18th of June 2017

We love us some epsom salt around here. Any idea if this is kid safe? My youngest has the worst growing pains ever. Sometimes he has to wake up out of a deep sleep and soak. I feel so helpless but have yet found anything to help him. Poor kid, why couldn't he be short like his momma?! LOL


Sunday 18th of June 2017

I could definitely use help sleeping better. This is great information. I'm deficient in Vitamin D - well, I was. I take the pills now. It's common where I live.


Corey | The Nostalgia Diaries

Sunday 18th of June 2017

I think I definitely need to try this - I often have leg cramps and don't sleep well. I have a Vitamin D deficiency, too, so it wouldn't surprise me if I wasn't magnesium deficient as well.

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