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How (I Think) I Naturally Got Pregnant At 36

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When I was 18, I thought I had it all planned out. I would have a great career in business, married, and all kids squared away by the age of 30. This deadline was not only due to the fact that 30 sounded “old”, but I read in multiple places that it just gets harder to conceive after you hit 30. So why even go through the stress right?

Well, life isn’t always that easy.

While I’ve been able to check most of the boxes I set up for myself including having one child at the age of 28, the idea of having “ALL” kids out by the ago of 30 was looking pretty bleak. Ask most moms if they are super excited about having their next kid right after going through the traumatic, albeit beautiful experience of birth, and I’m sure they will say no. At least that’s how I felt.

However, life seemed to pass quicker than I expected during those next couple of years and before I knew it, I was 35 years old.

It was during my annual GYN appointment when my doctor started telling me I was entering into Advanced Maternal Age that (as they say), shiznit got “real”. When women hit the age of 35, they start to be considered “older” moms-to-be because there are certain risks which increase including the increased risk of chromosomal abnormality. In nice terms, he pretty much told me to get reproducing or else.

Thankfully, I had already become well versed in my personal feminine health and was ultimately on the road to improvement as I mentioned in my video 5 Natural Solutions To Get Your Period Back

Fast forward almost a year later, right before my 36th birthday I found out I was pregnant. Now this was not because we were actively trying, but we were not actively preventing either. But after almost 2 years of not getting pregnant, we started to believe another kid might not be in the cards for us.

When the fact that I was truly pregnant, (and after 10 pregnancy tests later which just happens to be 3 more than what I took when I first found out I was pregnant with my son silly me), finally sat in, I started to think about the lifestyle and diet changes that we both made over the last couple of years. Aside from it being “divine timing”, I could only attribute the pregnancy to these things.

So, in the spirit of sharing, I made a video summarizing a couple things that I believe helped me get pregnant at the age of 35 (going on 36), after going through hormonal issues, and almost 2 years of not getting pregnant. Check it out below and hopefully this will help.

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