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Taking Baby Steps To Sustainable Living: Tiffany aka itsmeladyg X Pick My Solar

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Call me an optimist, but I truly believe most people want to do and be better. This desire varies from person to person and depends on what point a person may be in their life. Admittedly, things and topics that didn’t seem to matter to me at 19 are incredibly valuable now that I’m 35. Once I noticed the change within, it took humility and commitment to change my thinking and lifestyle.

The biggest shift that I believe most people are trying to make less overwhelming is the move towards sustainable living. Regardless of where you live, eat, or shop, you are more than likely exposed to our society’s collective effort to save our planet.

The magnitude of this became real to me on a personal basis a couple of years ago when I started watching documentaries on waste, and how collectively, our daily habits contribute to the earth’s condition.

So I decided to start doing my share to help the planet. I mean come on…it’s the only one we have.

Fired up with this passion to correct years of environmentally destructive habits, I researched everything. And I quickly felt overwhelmed and discouraged just like many others.

Where should I start? How can I realistically incorporate these changes into everyday life?

Well, that’s when I came up with a list of actions I could take each day based on things I was already doing. It was a start. But more importantly, it set the tone for change and made me more excited to weave other shifts into my life as I became a pro at the first ones.

It was in this spirit that I partnered with Pick My Solar to bring some of my environmentally friendly lifestyle changes to their blog by becoming a contributing writer. Pick My Solar is a company dedicated to making solar energy affordable. Pick My Solar helps the process of switching to solar power for your home an easy and enjoyable experience. By becoming your one point of contact, Pick My Solar‘s solar experts helps you pick the most cost effective solar energy options for your home while delivering excellent customer service.

In my contributing piece titled 3 Small (But Incredibly Impactful) Lifestyle Changes To Lower Yout Carbon Footprint TODAY! , I share a couple of easy changes that anyone can use to get them in the sustainable living mindset. Interested in find out what they are? Click HERE to check out the full post. Feel free to leave a comment either below or on the Pick My Solar website with additional suggestions or what you feel about the suggestions.  🙂


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FTC DISCLOSURE: This post is sponsored in part by Pick My Solar. All opinions are my own.


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