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Low Milk Supply or Impatience: My Honest Thoughts On Breastmilk Boosters

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Breastfeeding. It’s a word that seems to polarize people.


Well, I believe it’s because just about every part of a woman has been over sexualized, even the parts which are completely based in function. Breasts and their capacity to feed and nurture a growing baby has been pushed aside and replaced by products and myths of “spoiling” your newborn.

In addition, those who choose to nurse are faced with questions and doubts which have the potential of completely ruining even the most strong willed of mommas when they are in the throws of postpartum madness.

As a mom who’s currently breastfeeding her second child after a failed attempt with my first, I’ve been faced with all of this. With my son, I was nowhere near as knowledgable or strong willed as I am now. Long story short, without great resources, research, and support, my breastfeeding journey ended earlier than I wanted.



In preparation for my journey, I inevitably came across natural breastmilk herbs and other products. It was reassuring to know there were holistic ways to support my efforts. However, the choices seemed overwhelming. PLUS, after falling down the rabbit hole of options while doing my research on them, I started to believe they were the ONLY option available to fix my low milk supply IF I was faced with one.

First off, while I was doing great by gaining the knowledge I needed to feel confident before my daughter was born, I was starting with a fear based mindset which is not helpful at all. Not believing I could do it is a guaranteed way to mess myself up mentally and find myself in the same situation as with my son. Thankfully, I snapped myself out of it right before she was born and set it in my mind in that formula was not an option unless absolutely necessary.

However, THE most helpful resource I came across during my research were breastfeeding groups on Facebook. Yes, other moms, (and some actual certified lactation consultants who also joined the groups), became the most invaluable sources of information.

The best of which is that breastmilk boosters and herbs are NOT the only ways to increase milk supply! Nor are they generally the first option that should be attempted, especially during the first couple of weeks after the baby is born.





Don’t get me wrong. I have purchased and tried a couple of these supplements within these last couple of months in an effort to ensure my supply was sufficient, especially during a growth spurt or wonder week where I thought I would end up running on empty due to extra feedings.

But, my most consistent increases resulted from the advice I received from the groups: simply nurse or pump more when I want to produce more. By emptying the breast, I was telling my body to produce more.

This is hard for some moms to believe when they are faced with a newly born crying baby that has yet to successfully latch, who you want to make sure is properly fed. It’s that much more frustrating if you are questioned by those around you who may be supportive of your choice to breastfeed, but find it easier for you to to just offer a bottle with formula because you can actually see how much a baby drinks.

During the first 48 hours after birth, your milk has not fully come in to the capacity we see as so often displayed in women’s freezers. If you have a C-section, it may take even longer for your body to get the message to start producing milk. This in between time is when it’s easy for a woman to doubt her body’s ability.


Our bodies are miraculous machines. Despite what we can see, our breasts generally have the perfect amount of thick milk called colostrum for our babies. Soon after, our bodies naturally start to overproduce milk which leads to engorged and potentially painful days for mom. This milk is meant to kickstart the baby’s feeding reflexes. This is the milk that we often see in freezers all over pinterest.

BUT, what does this all have to do with breast milk boosters and herbs?

EVERYTHING! Without the knowledge and patience to allow the natural process of breastmilk production to work it’s magic, we might just be jumping the gun by both believing we aren’t producing enough milk and also believing we need milk boosting herbs to have a standing chance.

Does this mean we shouldn’t use these products at all? ABSOLUTELY NOT! They definitely have a purpose and should be used when needed.

Long story short, I think women need to take the time to understand how the process works in order to gain the confidence they need to embark on the journey. This book is an amazing resource on breastfeeding in general.  Next, get familiar with the various resources available to support your efforts. And last but not least, gain the knowledge needed to pick great quality herbs and products that will help with the process, BUT do not think they are absolutely necessary at all times to make it work. This book is a great source of information for natural ways to boost breastmilk supply.

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