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Comotomo Bottles: Are They Worth The Hype? Complete Real Life Review

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Walking down the bottle aisles of you local big box baby store could be quite overwhelming. The huge variety of nipples, flows, nipples, and materials could make any hormonal mommy-to-be crazy.

I knew I wanted to avoid this potential madness by focusing on what I did NOT want when it came to bottles and feeding as opposed to getting confused by what the bottles could do.

Being dedicated to a non-toxic lifestyle, I knew I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of warming up milk in a plastic bottle. I know most if not all of the bottles on the market are regulated to be BPA free. However, there are other chemicals that are used instead of BPA that are almost as dangerous and endocrine disruptive such as BPS (Bisphenol S).


Currently, silicone is one of the least toxic materials aside from glass which are used to make baby products. In addition, I wanted a bottle that we could have for quite some time reducing the need to purchase additional cups as she transitioned to solids and started using sippy cups.

Lastly, I wanted a bottle that wouldn’t sabotage my nursing efforts by being sharped similar to a breast. The softer silicone material would also help make this easier for us.

The Comotomo bottles checked these boxes according to my research because they are made of silicone, have a wide nipple and mouth area, and are super soft for ease of transition between breast and bottle.

My Personal Experience 


-As stated by the manufacturer, the quality of the silicone is superb. Even after many cycles in the sterilizer over the course of the last 3 months, they are still in excellent condition.

-The measurement markings are clear and easy to read. I own the bottles which hold up to 5 ounces and have no issue filling them because they are so wide at the top.

-The nipple and mouth area is super wide and truly does look like a breast. My daughter hasn’t had an issue with switching between nursing and bottle feeding pumped milk.



-They are a bit expensive at $12-$14 each and are not available in all big box stores. However, they are available readily online. PLUS, stores such as Buy, Buy, Baby has 20% off coupons that can be found online or received via email or text when you sign up for their email list.

-The shape of the bottle makes it easy for them to tilt over. This is isn’t a deal breaker but can be annoying when you line them up in the refrigerator.

-The biggest con that I’ve experienced was the tendency for the nipples to show signs of wear somewhat quickly. I did not buy a lot of bottles which means we were using the same ones over and over which may have cause quicker wear. It seemed like the milk would come out quicker over the course of a month or so causing my daughter to cough, turn away from the bottle, and try to catch her breath. Because of this, I’ve been changing the nipple more often and buying replacements.

Overall, we love the Comotomo Bottles. They work fit our bottle warmer (the one linked is the newer version of our bottle warmer) easily even with its wider base. The anti-colic vents keep gas from being an issue. I would recommend them to most people who are looking for a non-toxic option but just keep in mind the potential issue with the nipples.

Have you tried the Comotomo Bottles? Leave a message below letting me know your experience with them.

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