Over the last couple of months, the desire to clean every single thing we come in contact with has increased, and with good reason.

There are a ton of reasons to give our produce a good scrubbing before cooking with the threat of potential viruses along with pesticides and surface dirt. However, with the current crisis, it’s best to revisit the research on what the best options are.
In my blog post Natural & Affordable DIY Vinegar + Baking Soda Fruit & Vegetable Wash I shared my go-to solution of apple cider vinegar and baking soda which I used back in 2017.
However, once I started doing more research, I realized I didn’t even need the vinegar to have a scientifically effective solution.
According to this study, a simple solution of water and baking soda was more effective at removing two specific pesticides on apples (which are one of the dirty dozen fruits or veggies with the highest reported pesticides), “compared to either tap water or Clorox bleach.”
So regular baking soda and water could be the best and most affordable option for cleaning produce when it comes to surface pesticides. If there is surface dirt on the produce, using a scrubber with the solution should do the trick.
When it comes viruses, (namely the coronavirus right now), many people are concerned and downright scared to purchase fresh produce. This could be due to their potential to have exposed surfaces while in transit and on the shelves.
In fact, according to this article from Insider.com, experts recommend simply cooking or washing produce as usual. This is further confirmed by this article from Consumer Reports which an expert shares that normal washing and cooking procedures are sufficient to wash off potential germs on foods and produce.
In short, there’s no specific procedures currently available or even needed for our COVID-19 virus situation that is different than any other time.
However, it is imperative for us to increase our washing frequency not only from our hands but also for our food and produce.
At the end of the day, eating fresh produce is beneficial for our bodies and immune system, which is needed now more than ever.
Be safe friends!