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A Wellness Time Favorite: Bluephonic Libre Wireless Headphones

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Admit it, there are times when you truly want to shut the world out. (Or maybe it’s just me, but come on be real…)

I know I truly love when I even have small amount of time to devote to self-care. However, it does not look the way it used to with massages and mani pedis. Lately, it’s headphones in ears while nursing or pumping. Please don’t underestimate what 15 minutes worth of music that’s not a nursery rhyme or 9 year old’s favorite can do for a mom’s sanity.

However, as frugal as I try to be, I couldn’t see myself throwing down the $100+ for wireless air pods or over ear headphones, especially when I was mainly going to use them while working out, listening in the house, and sometimes during my commute. My Amazon search led me to the Bluephonic Libre Wireless Headphones.

The first thing that struck me right away about the Libre Bluetooth Headphones were the great reviews it has received. When reading through them, most people raved about their quality and great battery life. This was key for me as well because I am not the best with remembering to recharge my devices, other than my phone that is.

The next thing that had me sold was the price. At less than $65, they are literally half the cost of many other bluetooth speakers on the market with equivalent high reviews. This is great because it fits in my budget and should I happen to lose them, I would not be out almost $200.

Personal Experience

When I first received the Bluephonic Libre Bluetooth Headphones, I was expecting to have to wait and charge them up before giving them a test run. Surprisingly, they were already charged allowing me to get started using them right away. They were ridiculously easy to pair with my phone. I popped them in and went about my business cooking and getting housework done.

While using them I wanted to see how the quality was when I was away from my phone. I made several trips from my top floor to the first floor and even to the other side of our house and was still able to receive music into the headphones. When traveling from the top floor to the basement it did start to ave trouble, but that was asking a lot with it being so far from the phone.

As someone with small ears, I was afraid the earbuds would have trouble staying put for long periods of time. Nope, they are perfect and can be moved around within the ear (not that the device itself is adjustable), to make sure I have a snug and secure fit.

I have yet to work out with them in, (blame new mom life), but I have done a fair amount of running around the house with them in and have had no problems.

I am easily able to take calls with the headphones and have no trouble hearing others or being heard.

One of my biggest fears with having wireless headphones was losing them. However, the magnetic case house the headphones easily and fits nicely in my purse. I also love that it is a darker color so I don’t have to worry about it getting visible scratches or wear while bouncing around in my “mom purse” and diaper bag.

As far as sound quality, they are as good if not better than my Apple headphones that come with my phone. I have only used those for the last couple of years other than the few times I’ve tested other brands with contemplating them for purchase. I’m more than happy I didn’t take the leap because I feel these check all my boxes as far as needs, quality, and affordability.

The only somewhat opportunity on these earbuds would be that they could be a bit more noise cancelling since they are in that category. Don’t get me wrong, they are great and it is hard to hear outside voices and noises when they are on and at higher volumes, but I was definitely able to hear the yelling and “Mom” screams in my house. This isn’t entirely bad because I was able to prevent potential calamities, but it is something to be noted. It is definitely not a deal breaker with these beauties though.

If you’re looking for a pair of great sounding headphones to pick up this holiday season, be sure to check out the Bluephonic Libre Wireless Headphones. They are one of th best kept secrets on the market in my opinion.

Thanks so much Bluephonic for sending me a pair to try out. Click HERE to check out the Libre headphones for yourself.


FTC DISCLOSURE: The headphones reviewed in this post was provided by Bluephonic. All opinions are always my own. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click on them and make a purchase, I will receive a small finder’s fee on the sale. This does not increase your price in any way shape or form. Using these links help support the continuation of this website. Thank you in advance.

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