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My 2 Veggie Tropical Smoothie (Yup, It’s Got Red Cabbage & Celery Root In It)

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Why, oh why would someone want to put any other veggie but greens in a smoothie?!

Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought when I was blending this baby up.

But, let me back this up a couple steps.

Smoothies are the easiest vehicle for healthy eating all fit neatly in a glass (in my honest opinion). For many, this is the healthiest drink they may have all day. So I figured why not amp it up by adding veggies other than green leafy ones (although they are equally as awesome).

If you have been following me on instagram, (If you aren’t you totally should, I have all sorts of fun over there on a daily basis. Click HERE to join me), you will know that I’ve been sharing a lot of informational posts on food and wellness. For a while I was on a complete cruciferous kick trying and posting a lot of veggies belonging to that family. If you’re thinking “Cruciferi-what?”, don’t worry let me explain.

Crucifer-what veggies??!!

Cruciferous veggies are those belonging to the Brassicaceae family and include broccoli, cauliflower, and green and red cabbage to name a few. All of these veggies are high on fiber, vitamins, and minerals that we all need on a daily basis.

In addition, cruciferous veggies have been found to help “encourage active and healthy estrogen metabolism.” (per Thomas Stearns Lee, NMD in this website and study) This is especially helpful now being that many of the products and foods we are eating are leading to xenoestrogens being released in our body. Xenoestrogens are a group of either naturally or artificial compounds that act like estrogen in the body. They are a problem because they unlock hormonal and other reactions in our bodies and alter natural balance. Too many of these reactions can potentially lead to an array of problems including cancer.

However, cruciferous veggies have been found to help the body process out excess estrogen and xenoestrogens in our system. According to this study from (the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health), “Epidemiological studies provide evidence that the consumption of cruciferous vegetables protects against cancer more effectively than the total intake of fruits and vegetables.”. It goes on to say that during trials, the compounds in this group of veggies decreased carcinogen activation by inhibition of phase I enzymes, and slowed tumor growth and induction of apoptosis” (Apoptosis is programmed cell death. Most if not all healthy cells are supposed to die at their pre-determined time, though cancer cells have shown to not die like they should).

So, long story short, eating more cruciferous vegetables is  should benefit the masses. Click HERE to read more on these veggies.

Red Cabbage is part of this amazing family of veggies. What makes red cabbage extra special is what makes it different than it’s green counterpart…it’s color! That beautiful purple color is from a pigment  called anthocyanin. Anthocyanin has high amounts of antioxidants which can help fight free radicals in the body,

So, what’s the deal with the celery root?

Celery root is pretty much what it sounds like, the root of a celery plant, though it is variety that is produced for it’s edible root as opposed to the celery we find in stores. Celery is a mild vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked. I decided to add it to the mix because of it’s amount of vitamin c and potassium.

Potassium can help people with high blood pressure lower or regulate it by helping lessen the effects of sodium. According to the American Heart Association’s website, potassium does this by excreting it through urine.

The thing is our daily potassium intake for an average person is 4700 mg per day…yeah that’s a lot! And although bananas are recommended, an average size banana is 422mg meaning you would have to eat about 11 or so bananas to hit that quota. So, the only other way is to eat other potassium rich foods.

With about 468 mg in a cup of raw celery root, they can easily help you move towards that daily amount. And in case you were wondering, other high potassium foods include winter squash, avocados, bananas, spinach, and more.

This smoothie is not like any other smoothie because it has a purpose. It is meant to introduce you to foods that may help lower blood pressure and provide you with affordable antioxidants on a regular basis.

Let’s get started…


2 Veggie Tropical Smoothie 

I wanted to keep this recipe super simple and quick. That is why I used easy measurement tools such as palmfuls.

For this smoothie, you will need:


1 Palmful of Raw Red Cabbage

3/4 Palmful of celery root (cooked or preferably raw)

1 Palmful of chopped frozen pineapple

1 Ripe Banana

3/4 Cup of Almond Milk

1. Throw it all in a blender and mix for 30-45 seconds. Add nut milk or blend longer if you want it to be smoother or looser.

That’s it!

With the pineapple and banana in the blend you could hardly taste the veggies. I think it’s a great way to start incorporating other veggies into your day.

Let me know if you try it by leaving a comment below.







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