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What You Should Know About Maca: And How I Used It To Balance My Hormones (Plus Video)

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Hormones and periods. I feel like this is all I’ve been talking about for the last 2 years. And I LOVE IT!!

It’s not only because I’m still a bit surprised that my hormone troubles have come to an end, but it’s mostly because I truly enjoy helping women understand they can take back their feminine health on their own or in conjunction with their doctor as opposed to believing it’s something totally out of their hands.

In my previous post and video titled 5 Natural & Inexpensive Things I Did To Get My Period Back, I mentioned the adaptogen and natural supplement Maca root and how it was a major part of the process. I briefly mentioned the specific brand and type of maca that I used, but I wanted to give a bit more detail on it.

Maca root is an adaptogen which are herbs and foods which help to bring homeostasis or more stability to the body. I’ve spoke about adaptogens in general in my post Adaptogens: The Good, The Bad, and How To Use Them In Real Life, as I have used other types to aid in stress and anxiety.

However, maca is known for it’s ability to help even out hormones and even boost libido. Some people also have noticed an increase in energy when using it, but I did not.

To aid in my hormonal journey, I specifically used Red Raw Maca Root Powder from The Maca Team (click HERE to check out their entire line of products) since the red is known for helping women’s hormones.

However, the Maca Team has several types of maca based on the color of the roots themselves.



The colors explained on the Maca Team website are as follows:


Black Macaraw-black-maca-3.jpg

Our Black Maca is made from 100% black colored Maca roots. These roots are the rarest of all Maca colors, making up around 15% of the annual harvest.  Studies have shown Black Maca to be the most effective Maca color for muscle building, endurance, mental focus and male libido and fertility.


Red Macaraw-red-maca-3.jpg

Our Red Maca comes from 100% red colored Maca roots. Studies have shown it to have the highest phytonutrient levels of all Maca colors. It is the most effective type for general hormone balancing, for female fertility and for bone and prostate health. Red Maca comprises about 25% of the annual harvest. It is also the sweetest tasting of all Maca powders.


Yellow Macaraw-yellow-maca-3.jpg

Our Yellow Maca comes from yellow colored Maca roots and makes up about 60% of all Maca roots harvested in Peru. That makes yYellow Maca the most commonly used and the most researched of all Maca products.  Although it is less expensive than other Maca colors, Yellow Maca is a nutritional powerhouse that works to boost energy, enhance concentration and balance hormones.  It has been honored for over 2000 years in the high Andes and beyond.


I went into it and my personal experience with it in my recent video titled My Experience with Maca & Hormones (Plus What I Use) which you can check out below.


I’ve used red maca in both raw and gelatinized (gelatinized is easier on the stomach while I’ve found that raw is a bit stronger). I have also experimented with the yellow and premium blend maca. But, raw red was the most effective for my hormones.
Have you ever tried maca? Leave your experience with it below.

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