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How To Grow Herbs On A Balcony: Practical Ideas To Try

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Growing herbs on a balcony can be a rewarding and fun activity, especially if you love cooking and using fresh herbs in your meals. With a little bit of planning and effort, you can transform your small space balcony into a beautiful herb garden that provides fresh and fragrant herbs for a growing season or all year round. You really don’t need much space or to look further than your local grocery stores to have your own balcony herb garden. 

how to grow herbs on a balcony

In this blog post, we’ll share some tips and tricks on how to grow herb plants on a balcony.

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Here’s how to grow herbs on a balcony:

#1. Choose the right location

The first step in growing herbs on a balcony is to choose the right location. Most herbs require a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight per day to grow well, so you need to select a spot that receives plenty of sunlight. You can also consider the direction of the wind and the level of shade when selecting the location. Sunny areas on your small balcony are a great option to ensure healthy plants. 

#2. Select the right containers

Herbs can be grown in a variety of containers such as pots, planters, and window boxes. The containers should be at least 6 inches deep and have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. You can also consider using self-watering containers or hanging baskets to save space. You can also use small pots found at your local garden center. 

#3. Choose the right soil

Herbs prefer well-draining soil that is rich in nutrients. You can use a potting mix that is specifically designed for herbs or create your own. You don’t have to buy too much especially if you don’t have a lot of space. 

#4. Choose the right herbs

When selecting herbs for your balcony garden, choose varieties that are suited to the growing conditions and the amount of sunlight. Some popular herbs that grow well on a balcony include basil, chives, parsley, rosemary, thyme, lemon balm, and mint. Any of these should do well on an apartment balcony herb garden. If you’d like a plant that will grow year after year, you might want to look into perennial herbs. 

#5. Water regularly

Herbs need regular watering, especially during hot and dry weather. Water the herbs when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, and make sure to water deeply to encourage strong root growth. But, please do not overwater as excess water is one of the biggest problems that can harm indoor plants. The best way to know if you’ve watered your plants enough is by watering the plant until water starts to flow out of the bottom of the container and then stop.

If you’d rather not water the top of the plant to avoid watering too much, you can also place the plant pot in a bucket filled with water and allow the plant to absorb the water right in its own container. This way could also reduce the chance of frequent watering. 

#6. Fertilize regularly

Herbs require regular fertilization to keep them healthy and thriving. You can use a balanced fertilizer or organic compost to provide the necessary nutrients. This another product that can be purchased online or at your local garden centre. 

#7. Prune regularly

Pruning herbs regularly helps to promote bushy growth and prevent them from becoming too leggy. You can harvest the herbs regularly and use them in your cooking. Having flavorful herbs easily available when you’re cooking is a wonderful way to add some variety and extra flavors to your dishes. It is a good rule of thumb to only trim up to a third of your favorite herbs. If you snip too much of your edible plants off, the plant may end up not surviving. 

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In conclusion, growing herbs on a balcony is a great way to add flavor and beauty to your outdoor space. With the right location, containers, soil, herbs, watering, fertilizing, and pruning, you can create a thriving herb garden on your balcony. So, roll up your sleeves, and figure our your best option of herbs based on what you like to eat on a regular basis, and start your own herb garden. 

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