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3 Reasons Why My Family Drinks Ripple Milk (Almost) Everyday

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Plant based milks are quickly becoming the new “regulars” in the dairy aisle. According to this article from Forbes, “traditional milk sales have dropped over 11% over the last year.” The demand for non-dairy alternatives is steadily increasing with no signs of stopping.

I switched from cow’s milk many years ago due to the unfortunate way it affects my system. Yup, I’m lactose intolerant. But, I surely am not alone. I could conduct my own study within my family and friends to test how many are lactose intolerant and find that its much more common than people think.

So, when I finally decided to switch to a plant based diet, I was already well accustomed to not reaching for anything with an animal on the box in the milk aisle.

It was during one of these trips that I found Ripple plant based milk. I was fascinated by the label saying it had pea protein in it. Pea protein? I didn’t even know that was a thing! (At least not at the time.)

I took the jump and purchased a bottle during one shopping trip and I am glad I did.

My family and I absolutely loved it and quickly found it’s way on our regular shopping list. Don’t believe me? Check out the picture of my fridge below. (My other half LOVES the chocolate flavor and it was on sale that week at Whole Foods).


What is Ripple Milk?

Ripple Milk is (as you probably got by now), a plant based milk made from yellow peas. While other plant based milks are great, most have very little to no protein in them. Ripple has 8 grams of protein per serving. The plant based protein can help you feel fuller and is great for anyone that keeps track of their nutrients reach their daily thresholds.

Ripple is nut, lactose, gluten, and soy free along with being vegan and pretty low in sugar (the unsweetened ones).

Need more convincing?

Here are 3 reasons why my family drinks Ripple Milk:

1.  It’s Texture Is Amazing

Most plant milks have the consistency of traditional skim milk…thin and a tad watery. Don’t get me wrong, I still have it on hand at time because it has it’s uses. But, I love how thick and creamy Ripple Milks are. They are perfect to make plant based desserts like Nice cream (aka not-ice cream using frozen bananas and plant based milk in the blender). It keeps the consistency thick and more like a gelato and less like a melted milkshake. I also use it in oatmeal in the morning to make my breakfast that much more filling.

2. The Natural Protein

Protein is a hot topic…period. When you’re plant based, it is the first thing that people ask you about. Everyone wants to know what are our sources, and as much as I try to explain that plants have amino acids which are the base for protein production, most of the time, it still seems to take a bit of convincing.

This is why I’m glad that Ripple Milk has used peas and it’s natural protein as a staple in most of their milks. Getting the public to actually stop and see it on the label while strolling through the milk aisle is a definite win. I’ve seen people actually stop and google “pea protein” while in the aisle.

Non-meat eaters are not the only ones that can benefit from the protein of Ripple Milk. This milk option is also great for athletes and fitness lovers that need the extra protein boost in their diet.

3. It’s Easy To Find

Many times switching to healthier foods unfortunately means harder grocery shopping trips. It truly all depends on the demand of such options at the store where you shop. Fortunately, more stores are getting on board with better plant based options.

I was totally impressed when I found Ripple Milk in several grocery stores near me. However, the flip side of this is it’s often sold out but gets replenished quickly.

At the end of the day, each healthy purchase that is made in a traditional grocery store helps more items find their way on the shelves. Each dollar spent on a healthier option is truly a vote for better, more nutritious foods.

Have you ever tried Ripple Milk? Leave a comment below letting me know if you have.

FTC DISCLOSURE: This post was sponsored by Ripple Milk. As always, all opinions are my own.

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